* Ingredients ** Beans - 2 16oz cans of black beans ** Sauce - 2 lime, juiced - 3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil - 1 tsp hot sauce (optional, I usually use El Yucateo Black Label Reserve to add a mild heat and a bit of smokiness) - ½ Tbsp garlic powder - ¼ tsp smoked paprika - ⅛ tsp MSG - ⅛ tsp fine grained sea salt (¼ tsp if not adding a salty hot sauce) *** Improved Sauce If you have an extra minute or two, some additional spices work well: - ¼ tsp cumin - ¼ tsp ancho chili power * Recipe 1. Drain beans. 1. Combine sauce ingredients and whisk into a sauce. 1. Combine drained beans and sauce in small sauce pan. 1. Heat beans on medium heat until simmering, reduce to low and simmer uncovered for ~10 minutes or until sauce is thickened (depending on heat may take a few minutes less) * Notes MSG is key to this recipe. I've never made this with dry beans because it's intended to be a quick 10-15 minute base for a meal or a side. About 285g of dry black beans should be equivalent to about two cans of beans. If using rehydrated beans, some extra liquid may be needed. Low Salt version can be made by using no-salt-added black beans and optionally dropping the sea salt. ** Sources Inspired many years ago by [[https://home-ec101.com/beans-are-the-thing-black-bean-burrito-filling/][Home-EC 101's Black Bean Burrito Recipe]].